
Vipreet Rajyog

According to its definition prevalent in Vedic astrology, if in a horoscope, the lord of the sixth house, eighth house or twelfth house is placed in any one of the other two houses of the horoscope; Vipreet Rajyoga is formed in such horoscope. It means if in a horoscope; the lord of the sixth house is placed in the eighth or twelfth house, Vipreet Rajyoga is formed in the horoscope. Likewise, if the lord of the eighth house is placed in the sixth or twelfth house, Vipreet Rajyoga is formed in the horoscope. Similarly, if the lord of the twelfth house is placed in the sixth or eighth house, Vipreet Rajyoga is formed in the horoscope. Vipreet Rajyoga is divided into three categories. Let us look at these three types of Vipreet Rajyogas.

Harsha Yog

According to its prevalent definition, if in a horoscope, the lord of the sixth house is placed in the eighth or twelfth house, Harsha Yoga is formed in the horoscope. Harsha yoga may bless the native with healthy body, wealth, good family life, financial gains, respect and influence in society, position of authority and other good results. The placement of the lord of the sixth house in the sixth house itself is not considered to form Harsha Yoga and it is considered as an exception to the formation of this type of Vipreet Rajyoga.

Sarala Yoga

According to its prevalent definition, if in a horoscope, the lord of the eighth house is placed in the sixth or twelfth house, Sarala Yoga is formed in the horoscope. Sarala yoga may bless the native with good character, knowledge, wisdom, wealth, property, victory over enemies, power, authority and other good results. The placement of the lord of the eighth house in the eighth house itself is not considered to form Sarala Yoga and it is considered as an exception to the formation of this type of Vipreet Rajyoga.

Vimala Yoga

According to its prevalent definition, if in a horoscope, the lord of the twelfth house is placed in the sixth or eighth house, Vimala Yoga is formed in the horoscope. Vimala yoga may bless the native with good character, wealth, property, power, authority, spiritual growth and other good results. The placement of the lord of the twelfth house in the twelfth house itself is not considered to form Vimala Yoga and it is considered as an exception to the formation of this type of Vipreet Rajyoga.

The literal meaning of the word Vipreet is opposite. The name Vipreet Rajyoga itself suggests that it is not a usual type of yoga and it is different. In general, benefic yogas are formed by benefic planets and they are not formed by malefic planets. However, it is believed that Vipreet Rajyoga is formed due to malefic planets, placed in adverse circumstances.

For example, the lord of the sixth house placed in the twelfth house seems like a difficult to handle situation. However, it is supposed to form Harsha Yoga in the horoscope. It is believed that each type of Vipreet Rajyoga produces benefic results through adverse circumstances. It means the native under the strong influence of Vipreet Rajyoga may achieve benefits through situations which may be troublesome or destructive.

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